Service Column – W80 x D86mm, 3m length
SWITCHWAY Panel Sets, Complete Kit – Plate, Grid, Wall Box, Switch mechs 15A S/P – with and without label provision
BT Jacks & Wall Plates
Brass Cable Markers
Single GPO, 10A or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Double GPO, 10 or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Circuit Identification Label Kit
Grid Plate Blank Mech (suits OSPL range)
Switch Mechanism, 15A
Switch Mechanism, Bell Press, 250V 15A
Grid Surrounds, 1 or 2 or 3 Gang, Horz or Vert
Fire and Acoustic Rated Wall Box
Metal Wall Board Clip, 1 Gang
Plate Mounting Accessories, 2 or 3 or 4 Gang, Horz or Vert