Double GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Horz
Medical Single GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Power Available Neon, Double Pole Switch
USB Type A or Type C Charger, 2A
Dialysis Patient Services Systems
Stainless Steel Plate, Grid and Wall Box, 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Gang Panel
ConnecT Series, Intermediate Surround, Horiz & Vert
ConnecT Series, Stop End, Horiz & Vert
Gas Outlet Grid Plate punched to suit Esco MGO
Gas Outlet Grid Plate punched to suit Esco MGO PGS/VS/VGS
Grid Plate Blank Mech (suits OSPL range)
Switch Mechanism, 15A
Switch Mechanism, Bell Press, 250V 15A
Grid Adaptor Keystone
Grid Adaptor Systimax/Panduit
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 Gang, Horiz or Vert
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Gang with Circuit Id Provision, Hortz or Vert